Welcome to the website of Swedish drummer/composer/etc Johan Björklund. With ongoing extensive work as a musician/bandleader and driving force for many different projects since 1999 (Mess, Johan Björklund Dynamic Flavours, Thymeshift, Thymeshift United, Parallel Activity, Yoleeyo, MIRE III, Monochromatics a.o) Johan is regarded as a strong and sought after profile on the Nordic jazz/impro/rock/whatever music scene.
New release June 2023 by an international ensemble consisting of some great musicians! Johan Björklund (Sweden) – drums Adrian Barstad Andresen (Norway) – trumpet, goat horn Edvard Sundquist (Norway) – guitar Tomas Gubbins (Chile) – guitar Georg Morten Gismervik (Norway) – guitar Alicia Lazaro Arteaga (Spain) – piano, voice Mattias Sigurdsson (Iceland) – clarinet Please enjoy! Spotify-link below but also available on all major streaming platforms.
26-28/4 Hedekas Bygdegård – öppna rep/workshop/skolkonsert (om du bor/befinner dig i Hedekas dessa dagar, varmt välkommen att hälsa på oss med nyfikenhet och öppet sinne) 29/4 kl 19.00 konsert Nya Perspektiv/Studio 19, Västerås
Adrian Barstad Andresen (NO) – trumpet, elektronik Maria Palmqvist (SE) – röst, slagverk Armand van Wijck (NL) – munspel Thomas Markusson (SE) – bas, elektronik John Lönnmyr (SE) – keyboards, dragspel Johan Björklund (SE) – trummor, elektronik
”Pjäxeröd är gården jag växte upp på. Belägen utanför Hedekas i Bohuslän. I detta projekt går jag på djupet i att utforska mina konstnärliga rötter. I en miljö som vid första anblicken kan kännas en aning svårflirtad upptäcker jag istället en enorm skatt som projektet bygger på.” I musikern och kompositören Johan Björklunds nya musik får vi följa med till nordöstra Bohuslän för en kombination av kärleksförklaring och mjuk uppgörelse med vad som varit och vad som är. Och kanske vad som ska komma… Musiken tar avstamp i händelser, platser, personer och känslor, alla med koppling till denna specifika geografiska belägenhet. En sak är säker. Jante har inget här att hämta.
Johan Björklund – drums, percussion Mats Eriksson – guitar Anders Augustsson – guitar Thomas Gunillasson – guitar Anne Marte Eggen – electric bass Lisen Rylander Löve – saxophone Malin Wättring/Karolina Almgren – saxophone Thomas Backman – saxophone John Lönnmyr – keyboards
Tour dates: 20 September Nissanscenen, Halmstad, Sweden (Jazz i Halmstad/Musik Hallandia) 21 September Skeppet, Göteborg, Sweden (Swedish National Radio, Jazzradion P2 recording) 29 November Swedish National Radio Broadcasting of the Skeppet concert. Listen here. 30 November Fasching, Stockholm, Sweden. Tickets here
The musical collective of Thymeshift (Johan Björklund, Thomas Backman and Thomas Gunillasson) are expanding the term ”big band music” in this project. Carefully selected guests/composers are invited to join the universe of Thymeshift to create a powerful and enchanting music that reflects the times of today.
Since the start in 2010 Thymeshift has been treading the borderlands between rock/jazz/electronica.Together with Icelandic guitarist Hilmar Jensson the group released the album ”Beyond Horizons” in 2015 and the latest release ”Dark Lights” 2021 concluded their collaboration with Danish keyboardist Katrine Amsler. Since 2020 the band works primarily with keyboard player John Lönnmyr and a new record with this line-up is set for release in September 2023.
In 2019 the idea of putting together a larger band with selected favourite players came about. With support from Musikverket, the project became reality in October 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, but before the restrictions fully kicked in. The repertoire of the band was revitalised with a different feel. Added to that, the new members brought their own tunes which created a dynamic and unique sound where the sum became larger than its parts. The band performed a tour in Sweden which was concluded by an intense day at Svenska Grammofonstudion in Gothenburg where the album ”Music Outside Boxes” was recorded. Due to the pandemic situation when the album was released in October 2021 (Imogena Records) no live gigs where possible at that moment.
So here it comes instead! In September and November 2022 we will see the band on the road again for a few live gigs and recordings both for the Swedish National Radio (Jazzradion P2) and a concert movie. With support from The Swedish Arts Council.
During this period I have the great honour to work with my music in the beautiful town of Åmål. Using the Art Gallery as a rehearsal space but also as an installation/wooden nest. ”Drums in the Deep Darkthrone Forest” my project is called. Low volume drums, trees and different objects gives a comforting, inspiring but also a bit scary surroundings. The residence is a part of the project ”På väg 45”
Check out the tune ”California” (C. Svensson) recorded at Studio Glasfågeln 16 September 2021. Filmed, edited, recorded and mixed by Gustav Davidsson. PARALLEL ACTIVITY: Carl Svensson – guitar Erik Ivarsson – guitar Alfred Lorinius – bass Johan Björklund – drums